Port Everglades Animals
Port Everglades – The two public artworks created by Xavier Cortada include a 40-foot ceramic mural dubbed “Pelican Path” and “Starfish Shuffle”. The artwork “Pelican Path”, which includes a water-themed backdrop made from 1,440 handcrafted and hand-painted porcelain tiles, illustrates Cortada’s interpretation of the ripples created when the pelican’s webbed feet slap the water as it takes flight. The artworks attempt to connect cruise passengers who travel through the terminal to what they’ll see aboard a ship — the sea, the shore and the sky. “It’s like a passenger going on a cruise ship as it leaves the ripples behind in its wake,” Cortada explained. “Or the passenger getting on a ship and leaving their problems behind.”
For more information about the artist’s work with aquatic animals, please visit: The Release the Tide Series