My daughter participating in the miami Dade county public schools exposition Taste of the tropics. This is her art
In Harmony
Florida is …. Beautiful beaches being protected by Sea Oats!
Florida is on of the most beautiful states in the country.
Florida is a place that cares for and protects endangered species.
Florida is life
Florida is how to many aquatic creatures
Our Home
Home of the Black Creek Crayfish
Florida is Cultural Diversity and Beautiful Wildlife
Florida is the Hawksbill Sea turtle
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker
Florida is going to save the Amur Leopard.
losing its natural resources.
Florida is home to me and many others, including different types of animals. This is what makes Florida an amazing place; just seeing all the variations of animals and plants. It is like a very large family, and just like a family everyone should help others in need, whether they are human or animal. We help many animals get out of being endangered and I hope drawings like these persuade more people to help many other endangered animals. Florida is the home of many animals who need help and we are here to help them.
Florida is beautiful creatures
Florida is a beautiful state where nature thrives. However, Florida has been impacted by new ways of technologies and buildings. Even as this has happened Florida has always been home.
Florida to me is where wildlife and humans connect.
Florida is Diversity
the jaguar
Florida is expanding
Too Far Gone
The Key to Life
an eroded home.
losing its little creatures.
endangered green turtle.
a tropical paradise
my home.
becoming harmful for animals.
destroying its marine life.
losing animals
Florida is my home
our gray spot
Florida Is Ravishing
Florida is endangered
Florida is unique
Florida is the home of the endangered American crocodile. It is the most widespread of the four species of crocodiles. Recently their population has been increasing.
Florida is…Coming and Going
Florida is my home. It is also a place where we protect endangered animals.
Florida is to me a place full of wildlife and nature.
Florida is a Piping Plover
Florida is Changing
Florida is a Bald Eagle living among the shopping malls
Florida is the captured Roseate tern
Florida is struggling for nature
Florida is beautiful
Florida is the green sea turtles
Florida is the Bald eagle
Florida is home to an array of unique species
Florida is filles with endangered species because of human interactions.
Florida is irresponsible towards Endangered Species
Florida is a place where endangered species from around the globe can find refuge in our many zoos and sanctuaries.
Florida is Home (Bees Buzzing Out)
Florida is… changing
Florida is the Panther
Florida is the Hammerhead Shark
Florida is the Key Deer
Florida is the Black Bear
Florida is a thriving and unique ecosystem
Florida is the Manatee
Florida is the Sea Cow
Florida is the loggerhead
Florida is the Swallowtail Butterfly
Florida is diverse
Florida is the Key Deer
Florida is the Marsh Rabbit
Florida is my home and hope for biodiversity in the environment.
Florida is the Key Deer
Florida Is Submerging Underwater
Florida is in a critical time
Florida is the Kirtland’s Warbler
Florida is Beautiful and Dangerous
Florida is as beautiful as the creatures that inhabit it.
Florida is diversity
Florida is mystery
Florida is more than a colorful state. It is where you can find a large amount of exotic and beautiful species that need to be protected.
Florida is the place where you can find all sorts of endangered species, regardless of whether or not they are native to Florida.
Florida is sancutary for the Southern White Rhinoceros, which is a threatened species.
Florida is an ecosystem that is unique and diverse as its people.
Hawksbill sea turtle
Oceanic Whitetips
Florida is Woodpeckers
Full of Toothy Fish
seeing the death of a turtle
Florida is an a home for aquatic life.
Feathers and hot weather
Florida is a wonderful swirl of nature.
Florida is a state
Florida is the home of drifters in the ocean
Florida is Chopping Up
Florida is Under Attack
Florida is a state
On the road to extinction
Florida Is hurting manatees
Oceanic Whitetips
Florida is my home
Florida is endangered Florida panthers.
Florida is home.
Florida is my home. Florida is an environment in which all different species of plants and animals come together. Florida is a community. Florida is my world.
My warm, beautiful home
Florida is an ecosystem that is unique and diverse as its people.
Florida is in Need of Help.
Florida is an Fragile Ecosystem
My piece depicts the fleeting qualities of such species, who now more than ever are becoming a more abstract concept, alienated from reality and us, and soon to be forgotten and only remembered as one of many instead of an
Florida is vibrant and diverse in its culture and its ecosystems.
Florida is my home where all my family lives.
Kemp’s Ridley Turtle
Florida is… The Key Deer
Florida is my everything. Florida is my home and the reason I know all that I do.
Florida is filled with beatific creatures who will not be here much longer unless we make an effort to protect them.
Florida is a diverse ecological wonder teeming with natural flora and fauna.
Sandhill Crane
grasshopper sparrow
The Everglades
Florida Is Sea Grass
Beautiful skies and unique textures
Wetlands and coasts
Sandy soils and long coastline
Florida is nature, verdant botanicals and wild life everywhere
Florida Is Colorful Sea Life
Ecosystem made up of beautiful creature
Florida is beauty
Florida is inspiration everywhere each time you walk out the door.
Florida is… home
FLORIDA IS… Ecosystem made up of beautiful creatures
FLORIDA IS… Nature living despite mankind
Florida is Colorful
Florida is a diverse nest; a home for natives as well as for immigrants who have added colors and spices to the already idyllic background of sand, surf, plant and animal life already gracing the peninsula!
Florida is hope and opportunity
Florida is home- with a wealth of breath-taking vistas and unforgettable flora/ fauna.
Florida is a home for me and my parents.
FLORIDA IS… jellyfish
FLORIDA IS… the beach
FLORIDA IS… beaches and palm trees and sand
FLORIDA IS… seashells
FLORIDA IS… koi fish