Inspired by beetles in oil paint

Inspired by beetles in oil paint
This piece is an artistic depiction of the special ties between Floridians and the nature that surrounds us. We experience the natural world in a way few others do, as we are constantly directly interacting with the animals, vegetation, and
Shortly after Hurricane Irma, the Sea Oats protected the land that Juno Beach stands on. At least the stairs in this one place.
my Florida picture is about a panther hiding in the leaves ready to strike at its prey.
Florida protects and cares for the lower keys rabbit. Florida helps give it a safe habitat but it gets polluted so I feel bad for the lower keys rabbit.
Florida is known for is amazing native animals and plants, for this piece I made a diptych of the Florida Key Deer. Painting on the right might not be the actual skeletal of a deer.
We should protect our oceans as we protect ourselves.
I’ve had the privilege to call South Florida my home of 18 years. Ever since I was little wildlife conservation has been close to my heart, as I believe we need to do a better job in protecting the endangered.
The Gopher Tortoise is the state reptile of Florida. This creature is sadly endangered of extinction because of human predation, habitat loss, climate change, diet and diseases.
The Florida Scrub Jay is a beautiful species of bird which is sadly endangered. There are only about 5,000 of these birds left. I made this picture learning Adobe Illustrator, technology that may help me find a career later in
The Florida Black Creek crayfish is sadly on the endangerd species list because of residential and commercial development, transportation, biological resources use, natural system modifications and pollution. They can be found in the St Johns, Duval, Clay and Putnam counties.
Sadly there are people that do not appreciate Florida nature and we are losing them due to their poisonous decisions. I chose the Florida Panther because they are an important part for our habitats, since they are at the top
The Hawksbill Sea Turtles are critically endangered and its horrible to see an iconic and beautiful animal disappear.
Florida is the home of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker and it is on the endangered species list because of habitat destruction and hunting. It’s one of the largest birds in the world at 20 inches long and a wingspan of 30
The Amur leopard is endangered because people hunt them, poach them and they are killed by forest fires. I decided to put the fire in the leopard’s eyes to show one of the many reasons why the Amur leopard is
Since the theme is about the endangered species, I wanted to add some species who we affected with our destruction and mess. Whether it is throwing trash in the ocean, destroying any environment or hunting, we don’t notice the damage
For my contest entry, I have chosen the beautiful Red Wolf which is critically endangered due to lowered numbers early on from predator control during the 1960s and now deforestation. There are only a few hundred and most are in
I chose the giraffe because I never imagined these beautiful creatures would be pit on the endangered species list. I am happy Florida can serve as refuge for some of them.
Endangered Species contest entry is very important to me because I appreciate and have experienced the beauty of Fairchild.
Thankfully Humans help wildlife and here in Florida the Amur Leopard can be found in some of our zoos.
Florida is filled with beautiful species of animals and plants that make up our ecosystem. animals such as the red panda are being stripped away from there homes or being forced to leave due to pollution and deforestation. I painted
My piece demonstrates a tortured spoonbill with bright red and white fans for wings. The wings represents one of the many ways humans took advantage of the wings of the spoonbill; as an accessory.
The jaguar is majestic and lives in the Florida wildlands. This is contrasted with my image made of groomed gardens and carpet fabrics that are part of the symptoms of shrinking habitat. The giraffe head above “kisses” the air like
This piece addresses the theme Endangered Species because it shows how due to habitat loss, the gray foxes are being forced to move to more urban and civilized areas. In the area I live, it’s now common to see large
The Red Wolf specie is in danger when humans and the fear that they represented evil pushed them into killing many of wolfs, and the destruction of their habitats has also affected them. The red wolf also was used for
Florida is a natural wildlife sanctuary. It is home to a wide variety of beautiful and exotic creatures. Sea turtles are a joy to see due to their spectacular colors and patterns. Oftentimes, sea turtles are portrayed as endangered due
Florida is life. From swamps to it’s world renowned coasts, Florida never fails to lack variety. Within it’s vast ecosystems, animals roam freely and palms take root, contributing to the abstract landscapes we witness today. In recent times; however, human
This piece addresses the theme Endangered Species because of the environmental issues currently threatening the Great Blue Heron such as habitat loss, toxins and pesticides, and red tide.
My art piece fits the theme perfectly because rusty patched bumblebees are now endangered and can go extinct. The world needs bees for many reasons, one being that one third of our food supply is pollinated by bees. Without these
.I tried to capture the beauty of the endangered animal I picked. They are truly beautiful within their habitat and people keep taking that from them. We must stop taking their lives.
My piece address the endangered species by bringing attention to the green turtles, and now they are at the point of endangerment.
Florida is a tropical paradise to people around the globe. Most people usually come for the marine life, and are brought into close contact with the habitat(s). I believe my piece addresses the theme of endangered species because it shows
My piece addresses the theme by showing how the bird is breaking off, or dying. In my eyes, the triangles represent the birds, how they are slowly falling off.
For this assignment, I drew a snowy owl. Snowy owls are being killed for their feathers and are having a harder time finding food. It’s even worse that their population was low to begin with.
This piece addresses the theme of endangered species because the panther is losing its home to current environmental issues such as damaged water sources.
It addresses the theme of endangered species by showing the organism in isolation. Black where clear water should be. Outlines of fish show what could have been but instead are missing. The piece shows how lonely our oceans could be
Florida is known for its beautiful beaches, but there is always something lurking in the water. The population of sharks is decreasing tremendously.
My piece addresses the theme of endangered sea life, specifically the sea turtle. Without these turtles a great number of other species will be affected, effecting their habitat and ours. The corals are alongside the turtle as a statement; if
My piece shows an endangered species that is low in population. The animals are dying because of pollution, deforestation, and people.
My piece addresses the theme of endangered species by featuring the critically endangered Philippine Eagle as the focus of the piece. The fierce bird is endangered due to shooting and trapping sports, deforestation, disrupted mating, food supply and hunting for
My artwork includes three animals that are in danger and human all of which are yelling. Their gaping mouths and silent screams symbolizes them being in some unseen danger as the endangered species are everyday, always in a state of
My piece addresses to the endangered species the snow leopard and the struggle for them to stay alive.
My piece emphasizes the playful nature of the subject. I wanted to show these wild dogs in a more positive light. They are often accused of killing farmer’s livestock which leads to them meeting the same fate. They shouldn’t be
My piece conveys endangered elephants being killed for the ivory that they possess in their tusks.
it is beautiful because of its art, beaches, history and animals native or not—it makes up the whole of Florida.
Florida is Ravishing, just like the Florida Red Wolf. For such a stunning animal, it has almost been endangered to the point where they can only be found in the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge and Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife
My piece is the Florida endangered sawfish. I chose this piece because it really caught my eye and I thought the fish was very unique.
Florida is unique for its diversity, its variety of ecosystems and species inhabiting them.
Florida is the home of the American crocodile. I created this picture using Adobe Illustrator, a new technology I learned while preparing for this art show. I chose the crocodile because it is so ferocious looking, but it’s really not
Florida is…Coming and Going because our home is constantly changing. As development increases and natural areas shrink we risk groups of animals “going” forever. The roseate spoonbill is an intense pop of color along our coasts and in the everglades.
I chose the lower keys rabbit for my endangered specie. I chose the rabbit because I have a pet rabbit at home. I like to protect rabbits. We have to protect the marshes also since this is the lower keys
Art work Title: One More Taste of Nectar Florida is to me a place full of wildlife and nature. Sadly many of the beautiful animals are vanishing. Hopefully we can all help raise awareness and safe Florida’s wildlife.
My piece shows that people are endangering the bird by being oblivious to the nest eggs and stepping on them or running over them with their cars. The world must become more cautious to save this Piping plover
My work attempts to address the changes that led to the endangerment of the cactus tree. It utilizes the Miami skyline as well as the boats and houses to represent the urbanization that has occurred. My cactus tree collage is
Unfortunately all the consumer shopping and road paving has made the home of the Bald Eagle less recognizable as the American Ideal.
The trash and human damage to the habitat of the Roseate tern is makeing the species suffer. We have to address climate and pollution solutions to save this bird.
The American Crocodile needs a life ring to keep some nature alive and as a refuge where they will be safer. Preserve our nature now!
The American crocodile is an amazing creature who lives in Miami and has two environments- land and water!
All the plastics in the sea is endangering the Green Sea Turtle. I show one floating majestically by surrounded by nature and flowers and human manufacturing byproducts. Our waste has to eventually end up in the natural world and that
The Bald eagle is suffering from vanishing food in the chain. I have him flying over the sea and only getting bare bones. If there are no fish, there will be no more Bald Eagles
I chose the Florida West Indian Manatee because they are a very docile species that are threatened by many human activities.We need to do our part to protect these gentle creatures.
This piece touches upon the theme of endangered species by showing the destruction caused because of human interaction. Most of the time, people want to evolve, develop, but they don’t tend to think about how these projects affect the environment
Manatees are endangered species that suffer the most. They are shredded by the propellers of our boats.
The species I chose are endangered animal due to Samauratan deforestation. They are losing there homes and have nowhere to go. I love that Florida has become a place of refuge for many endangered species from all over the world.
Not all the bees in FL are on an endangered species list, however many of their populations are decreasing rapidly. Bees are some of the most (if not the most) important pollinators in the state and help to allow fruit,
The Florida Panther is one of the most recognizable species native to Florida. It is also one of the most endangered. There are so few panthers still living in the wild and they must be protected. I painted my panther,
When people think of endangered species they may not think about sharks. Many people just find sharks scary and might not think to protect them. However, hammerhead sharks, found in Florida waters are endangered and they are as important to
The Key Deer is one of Florida’s best known endangered species. This does not keep its population from getting smaller and smaller. The Key Deer is small and cute and this has led to it getting fed by people and
When most people think about Florida, they think of alligators or flamingos. They do not typically think of bears. Yet the Florida Black Bear is a species native to Florida and endangered. The animal often hides itself, especially as its
in my painting, I feature a scene of the food chain at work. I wanted to show that preserving our Everglades habitat is essential for the species that depend on each other for nourishment and energy.
The manatee is one of the most recognizable of endangered species in Florida. It is so rare to see a manatee that has not been injured in some way, or is being rehabilitated in some special rescue. We must constantly
The Florida manatee has been on the endangered species list for as long as I can remember. The manatee, also known as the sea cow, is a gentle animal and would never hurt a creature. But the manatee is often
My piece attempts to capture the beauty of the loggerhead and the man-made obstacles the species faces. The loggerhead suffers due to the overuse and ineffective disposal of plastics as well as from lights that attract hatchlings toward land. Hopefully
Butterflies are important to keeping our plants alive, with their ability to pollinate. Since butterflies are so small and delicate, they are easy to overlook. Yet, we need these species as much as any other to keep our ecosystem together.
My piece displays a radiated tortoise who is in the process of deceasing— with its lowered posture, bleeding shell, and dulling colors—, it shows the agony it goes through when it is being poached by hunters for its meat, killed
The Key Deer is one of the most endangered species in Florida. Its population has been pushed farther and farther south as development increases and the deers’ numbers continue to decline. These small animals, one of the smallest of the
The Florida Marsh Rabbit is one of the mammals that is endangered in Florida. It is often neglected, in favor of more common endangered species like the panther or key deer. I wanted to give attention to an often overlooked
My Florida is picture represents the Piping Plover, a standout migratory species that captures the pristine nature of our environment.
In my acrylic painting, I wanted to portray the beauty of the Key Deer, a species of deer that solely lives in the Florida Keys. Often victim to car accidents, habitat destruction, and poaching, there now remain fewer than 1000
The subject of my mixed-media piece (watercolor and color pencil), is a hammerhead shark. Many species of hammerheads are endangered, including those that linger in the warm Floridian currents. In the artwork, the shark is hovering over a stingray (a
Florida is a place of biodiversity that is full of endemic species. However, much like many environments, the beautiful life it holds is being threatened. This piece portrays the human role in the endangerment of animals such as the bog
In this group piece we showcase of 11 Florida species that need to be preserved. We want to raise awareness by showing their beauty to the public.
The Kirtland’s Warbler is one of the most endangered bird species in the United States and it spends its winter months, like so many people, here in Florida, particularly in the Keys. While birds may be small and easy to
The South Florida waterways are a beautiful and dangerous environment for aquatic mammals like dolphins and manatees. My piece shows how motorboats can affect species like dolphins and manatees by not being careful with their boat propellers. They endanger these
My painting shows the rosette spoonbill, a native bird that is endangered in Florida.
Florida is diversity. It has a vast variety of species with beautiful animals and plants that make up our colorful ecosystem.
My piece portrays the idea that many of our precious animals such as the spoonbills, sea turtles, manatees, and the Florida panther are all slowly disappearing. The black whole in the middle is how the Earth is losing it’s color(symbol
The Shau’s Swallowtail butterfly because it is such a unique and beautiful species with amazing, colorful wings and exotic colors. The impressive butterfly has such tint white dots that are so bizarre, but at the same time amazing. I think
I chose to render the beautiful Asian Tiger which can be found here in Florida at Zoo Miami. It also happens to be my favorite animal.
I chose this species because it is a direct correlation to the exploration of resources in the natural habitat of the White Rhino. Coastal East Africa is the general area where these Rhinos once inhabited and it is important to
My Florida is picture is of the Amur leopard. It is shown in its native environment.
This piece is about Hawksbill sea turtles which are critically endangered due to pollution. The painting shows the environment where the turtle lives and some of the factors that harm the sea turtle.
Oceanic whitetip sharks used to exist in large numbers but have declined from about 70-90% in the past years due to the shark fin trade. Miami, Florida is the largest importer of shark fins.
My piece depicts the captivating Red-Cockaded Woodpecker which is unfortunately classified as an endangered. These little birds are very handsome and I often see them around my neighborhood.
My piece depicts the sawfish, who is so endangered that it has learned to reproduce asexually. I admire that spirit.
the Barbour’s Map Turtle is a turtle begging to be recognized as endangered. it is being killed not by hunting or predators but by the chemicals of the factories from Atlanta and Georgia reaching Florida and killing them in their
This picture is a scene with two shoal basses which are considered endangered animals due to them being fished a lot. These fish are native to Florida and are now protected to try to keep them from extinction.
The beautiful magestic Roseate Spoonbill in its merky environment. Face filled with fear and worry of extinction.
Atlantic salt marsh snakes are beautiful creatures, unique in their own individual way, who deserve to be saved from the polluted waters that overtake their habitats.
my picture depicts the swallow tail butterfly
My picture is a depiction of turtles swimming in the Florida waters with a couple ofcans in the sea grass. I chose to add these cans because the turtle population has been decreasing due tomorrow to pollution of the ocean
This piece shines light on the torturous death manatees go through due to boat propellors. It is time we implement guidelines and restrictions to help restore the manatees population.
The Bartram’s Scrub-Hairstreak is an endangered species native to Southern Florida which is currently being threatened by environmental and fire damage. Florida as a whole is also being affected by these factors and a chain reaction of destruction follows the
my piece is about the swallow tail butterfly
The Key Deer is clearly in danger as stands helplessly on the road. The reality is this occurs often and I hope that my piece will bring awareness toward this fact, and hopefully reverse the path that these deer are
Manatees keep getting killed by boats so I decided to paint a manatee as a boat to internalize the harm.
Oceanic whitetip sharks used to exist in large numbers but have declined from about 70-90% in the past years due to the shark fin trade. They are widely looked for because of their long pectoral fins. Although shark finning is
Florida is sea otters
Florida is emdangered Florida panthers. The Florida panthers became endangered because of habitat loss the cut down of trees and property pushing them away from where they belong. They also have became endangered from roadkill and intolerance and it must
Florida is my home, as well as one of the homes of the critically endangered Hawksbill Sea Turtle. Because of our part in climate change and plastic waste, the Hawksbill Sea Turtle will disappear from coral reefs, where it plays
My Florida endangered species is the Hawksbill Sea Turtles. There are only about 20,000 of them left in the world. These amazing creatures support our environment. These animals need to be protected.
Florida is not only my home, but also a home to many species, such as the green sea turtle. Florida is nice, beautiful and important as is the green sea turtle.
My Florida is picture is of the Amur leopard. It is shown in its native environment.
For my art piece, I decided to concentrate on the Panamanian Golden Frog. They are the national animal of Panama and the only ones left are in captivity. This applies to Florida because the fungi that has killed this species
My piece depicts the fleeting qualities of such species, who now more than ever are becoming a more abstract concept, alienated from reality and us, and soon to be forgotten and only remembered as one of many instead of an
I chose the Key Largo woodrat as my endangered species as it is indigenous to the Everglades, a natural wonder of the sunshine state. This small rodent is an imperative part of the hardwood hammock habitat, being one of the
Florida is home to this beautiful bird, the Sterna dougalli, who is, unfortunately, endangered.
Florida is home of the Florida Sandhill Crane. We should keep our animals safe before the animals disappear forever. Direct los of the habitat due to wetland drainage or conversion of prairie for development or agricultural use are the primary
Florida is the home of the Grasshopper sparrow and it is on the endangered subspecies list in North America and is perhaps the most endangered animal. Despite best efforts in attempts to improve the declining population we have been unsuccessful.
Blue Herons and fish live in the everglades. The everglades give food and water to animals and to us. We need to take care of our lands to continue to have a healthy environment.
Florida is an appropriate environment for the beloved manatee. Manatees are occasionally called “sea cows”, as they are slow plant-eaters of the sea. Cows and manatees are both peaceful and similar to each other. They often graze on water plants
Sea Grass is a Florida treasure that must be preserved and protected.
Muhly grass and porterweed in my native garden
Dotted horsemint in my native garden
On a recent visit to Pinecrest Gardens caught a lizard enjoying the Art
The variety, diversity and beauty of Florida’s sea life is a wonder to behold.
Florida is full of intricate trees and its beauty is part of what makes Florida a whole.
Everything about the natural environment is eco-friendly. Every plant and flower lives and grows in their natural environment to become healthier and more productive. Therefore, nature is beautiful the way it is, not by their looks, but how they help
Beautiful nature
Florida has endless beauty. I hope that my watercolor paintings reflect that.
Florida is… home It is important to me to preserve Florida’s native species of plants and animals.
FLORIDA IS… Ecosystem made up of beautiful creatures Just accept
My Florida is natures Florida living and thriving despite mankind’s encroachment. Nature is powerful and trying to adapt.
Florida is a place full of a variety of species that touch upon all colors of the rainbow
Ponds and things
Lilly pads in a pond
Blowing Rocks on Jupiter Island in Ho be Sound is a dramatic spot to view the beauty and power of the sea. An unspoiled area to commune with Mother Nature.
My picture contains line, form and perspective. It reflects the beauty of things from a different point of view.
My “Florida is…nature” piece recalls childhood memories of playing hide-and-seek behind the philodendron leaves in my yard.
This picture capture the essential of Miami, Florida. The image contain value and rhythm.
Small and large , all are important for us and animals.
FLORIDA IS… jellyfish
FLORIDA IS… the beach
FLORIDA IS… beaches and palm trees and sand
FLORIDA IS… sea shells
FLORIDA IS… koi fish
FLORIDA IS… sharks
FLORIDA IS… sharks
#FLORIDAIS… celebrates #MiamiWaterkeeper #bayday